Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Influenza City

Recently, whiling away a bit of time between appointments, commitments and the usual scheduling stuff, I had a bit of a browse through the oversize collection of reference material at the Central Auckland Research Centre at the Central Library. I’ve always found that collection on the general shelves in the CARC a source of wonderful chance finds. This time, I had a nosey at a folder entitled:

Influenza Epidemic – Mayor’s Memorandum Covering Reports of City Solicitor and Council Officers.

Walter Bush, the City Engineer, provided in his report to the Mayor dated 27 November 1918 a day-by-day run down as to his department’s response to the crisis.

8 or 9 October
The epidemic first attracts notice in Auckland, although Bush noted that 24 deaths had been recorded in the four metropolitan and nine suburban areas in the 6 months preceding 30 September. From 8 October, the daily papers contained references to the influenza’s spread.

12 October
The RMS Niagara arrived in Auckland. The number of passengers under treatment was between 30 and 40, according to Bush, and the Health Authorities put the ship effectively in semi-quarantine for a time. Passengers and crew were “obliged to pass through an inhaling chamber improvised on the ship by the District Health Officer, and the quarters thoroughly fumigated.” 26-28 members of the crew and 2 passengers were admitted to Auckland Hospital for isolation treatment.

15 October
Five more crew members of the Niagara were admitted to hospital, with at least 8 of those already admitted developing slight pneumonia. By now, 9 Auckland residents were receiving treatment as well. The isolation ward was crowded, the nursing staff reported as “fully taxed”.

16 October
A conclusion, startling to our eyes with the benefit of hindsight, made by a Conference that day between the Hospital Board’s Visiting Committee, and the District Health Officer. “ … It was made clear that the influenza was of a very mild type … not “Spanish” Influenza, the more virulent kind.” Dr E Graham Russell, Port Health Officer, “stated that the type was the mildest he had experienced.”

Dr Russell wasn’t alone with that opinion. The district health officer told the Education Board “that the epidemic went through a community like a flash, usually lasting from 6 to 8 weeks, and that at least 50% of the population was ordinarily attacked. He was of the opinion that the epidemic had been in Auckland for three or four weeks, and had not been introduced by the Niagara, and … that the disease was not present in a serious form, and “Spanish Influenza.”

17 October
The District Health Officer advocated “thorough ventilation of schools, etc. especially during week-ends, picture theatres etc., tram cars, and other public conveyances, and also the wiping of straps and seats in tram cars with cloths moistened with antiseptic, while counter railings, etc. in shops and desks in schools should be similarly treated.”

20 October
A fireman from the Niagara died from lung complications from influenza at Auckland Hospital, but other patients from the Niagara were reported as improving. Out of 26 in hospital on the 18th, 10 were discharged on the 19th, and another 8 in the 21st. But …

21 October
A steward from the Niagara dies “from pneumonia supervening on influenza.”

22 October
At the meeting of the Board of Education that day, a report was submitted to the effect that out of 4887 pupils attending seven lading schools in the city, 1032 were away due to the epidemic, with 21 out of 92 teachers affected.

23 October
“The epidemic was assuming a worse form”, the NZ Herald reported.

24 October
During that week, members of the City Fire Brigade came down with the disease, 17 men reported off duty on 24 October. That day, 25 of the Aucland Hospital’s nursing staff were ill.

29 October
The NZ Herald reported a “slight abatement” of the epidemic.

30 October
The Mayor of Auckland ordered that the Minister of Labour be telegraphed, asking that, while the epidemic was in effect that the law requiring chemists to close at certain hours not be enforced, allowing them to remain open at night “to meet the generally increased demand for medicine. The Minister replied that if the majority of chemists indicated that they wanted to stay open an extra hour, the Department wouldn’t interfere while the epidemic lasted. Bush reported that the extra opening hours reduced the workload significantly at the all-night pharmacy.

31 October
The Mayor was waited upon by a deputation of community representatives who asked for a meeting to be convened “to consider the prevalence of he epidemic [and] … what measures should be taken in its abatement.” The meeting took place at 4 pm that day, resulting in the formation of a Citizen’s Committee “to take such steps as were necessary to help sufferers and to cope with the epidemic”. The executive, with powers to co-opt as required, were:

Cr. William John` Holdsworth [Elected to the Grey Lynn Borough Council in 1907, he became its Mayor in 1910, and then Auckland City Councillor in 1914]
Ernest Lilly: City Districts Schools Committee
E Phelan
G Davis
F Potter
P M Mackay
S Milroy, and
H P Kissling

1 November
The NZ Herald reported that three more deaths had occurred, including George Moore, an employee in the City Engineer’s Department, as well as an auxiliary fireman at the City Fire Brigade station. The Tramway Company was obliged to take several morning and evening special cars off the rush hour runs as a result of 66 tramway motormen and conductors reporting in as ill.

The Citizens Committee met again, this time with the Chairman of the District Hospital Board, the Medical Superintendent and the District Health Officer present. The committee decided to telegraph the Minister of Defence suggesting that the Medical Boards be released to provide additional medical assistance to the city. They also resolved to contact the Minister of Public Health asking that, finally, the disease should be subject to quarantine regulations.

W J Holdsworth, the first secretary to the Citizens Committee, came down with the ‘flu himself. In his place, H D Robertson was co-opted onto the committee. He was Secretary of the Joint Committee of the British Red Cross and the Order of St John.

That evening, the Auckland Hospital Board held a special meeting to consider steps to combat the epidemic, “and to provide additional hospital accommodation for patients dangerously ill from the disease.” The outbreak was no longer being considered as a non-serious form.

2 November
Bush’s plan which saw the city and suburbs divided into 22 blocks came into effect, as submitted to the Citizens Committee the day before. Members of the committee were appointed “to supervise the work of rendering assistance in he representative areas.”

The Auckland Education Board met that day, a Saturday, to consider the District Health Officer’s advice that the district’s schools be closed, “in view of the increasing seriousness of the situation”. The Board decided to close the schools for a week, and to reconsider the situation at the end of that period. The three city Manual Training centres, as well as those at Devonport and Otahuhu, were also closed. “Any assembly of children,” during the epidemic period, “was undesirable.”

The streets in the central ward are disinfected. Other streets are similarly treated on 6 November, in conjunction with watering of the streets and flushing of the cesspits.

3 November
Dr Joseph Patrick Frengley, the Acting Chief Health Officer for New Zealand, arrived in Auckland and conferred with the Mayor, the Chairman of the Hospital Board, and the Auckland Hospital medical superintendent. Auckland’s Mayor placed Kilbryde, the former home of Sir John Logan Campbell in the new Parnell Park at the disposal of the Hospital Board. Auckland Hospital at Grafton and the Costley Home at today’s Greenlane Hospital site were closed to visitors, in an attempt to minimize the spread of the virus. The Board also arranged for a supply of medicines, day and night, to Henderson & Barclay’s pharmacy in Queen Street.

C T Haynes, the Chief Sanitary Officer, was appointed “to take charge of the office of the [Citizens] Committee at the Town Hall for the purpose of tabulating the returns from the various blocks.”

His own report to the Mayor (27 November 1918) was concerned primarily with the state of Auckland’s slum housing at the time of the influenza pandemic in late 1918.

“… many of our citizens engaged during the past few weeks in combating the influenza epidemic, an obtaining for the first time an insight into the state of affairs under which numbers of people are living, have been surprised and shocked that such conditions exist, and strongly impressed with the necessity of adopting some measures for their removal.”

Over the course of the 16 years immediately before the ‘flu hit the city, around 600 houses had been either been already condemned and pulled down, or demolished by arrangement with the owners. So by the time the Spanish ‘Flu came, the policy and process of urban renewal by Auckland City Council had been well underway. Influenza spreads from public gatherings and the airborne transmission of the virus rather than from the obvious source of sanitary risk, residential overcrowding. It could be said that the sanitary inspector’s department was using the epidemic as an opportunity to bang that department’s particular drum.

The department did report that half their number was away on Active Service during the war, and the workload had been increased due to the amalgamation of boroughs and road boards with the city, such as Parnell, Epsom, Remuera, and Grey Lynn.

4 November
Doctors provided by the Defence Department, in response to the Citizens Committee request of three days before, started work from a central bureau opened at the Auckland Hospital Board’s Kitchener Street office. Advertisements were inserted in the NZ Herald and the Auckland Star regarding applications for medical assistance. A fumigation room was set up in the District Health Office at Albert Street.

At noon, the Citizens Committee met again, making final arrangements with Dr Frengley and the Hospital Board Chairman.

The block committees were already at work, establishing centres in each area to accept applications for assistance. Appeals were made for assistance from volunteers, trained nurses, and “those able to undertake domestic duties in homes where the epidemic had laid aside the inmates.”

“By this date,” Bush recorded, “the situation was very grave, and the large number of applications received for admission to the Hospital indicated that there was no diminution in the number of serious cases. On the contrary, in numerous instances whole households were simultaneously affected, and in consequence of the lack of assistance the position became very acute.”

5 November
The owners of Auckland’s cinemas met with the mayor and the Acting Chief Health Officer in the mayoral offices, and agreed not to admit any children aged 14 and under to their premises. They also agreed to fumigate the cinemas daily.

The Minister for Public Health, G W Russell, arrived along with Dr. Frengley and three doctors, two others which been released by the Defence Department to assist with the epidemic, and another four from the Medical Boards. The Minister of Defence had been requested to obtain nurses from other parts of the North Island to assist as well.

The Mission Hall at the Sailor’s Home on Quay Street was opened as a temporary hospital. By the next day, this facility was looking after 20 patients. The Women’s National Reserve opened an emergency kitchen at their Rutland Street premises.

6 November
No less than 90 nurses at Auckland Hospital were off work through influenza. Up to 10 pm that day, 600 applications for assistance were received by the Citizens Committee at the Town Hall.

A “Gazette Extraordinary” was issued declaring the influenza as a dangerous infectious disease, authorizing the health authorities to exercise all the powers laid down under the Public Health Act. This meant that instead of limited opening of places like picture theatres, all such places were to be completely closed, from the following day, along with billiard saloons, other public gatherings and entertainment, and schools.

The Vermont Street Girls’ School, capable of accommodating 150 patients and a complete nursing staff, was placed at the disposal of the Auckland Hospital Board by Bishop Cleary and Rev Father Carran. This was opened as a temporary hospital on 8 November.

The Mayor of Auckland came down with the ‘flu, and instructed Bush to confer with Dr. Frengley with regard to the Public Health Act regulations. From that point on, Bush effectively became a CEO, at all hours, day and night. He convinced the Superintendent of Telegraphs late at night to make all telephone lines connected with the epidemic relief works available, despite the planned closure of the telephone exchange between noon and 3pm.

7 November
“Following Dr Frengley’s conference with the Crown Solicitor and myself on the 7th inst., a notice was issued by him requiring the immediate closing of all places of entertainment, Public Halls, Billiard rooms, and shooting galleries for a week. This included the Auckland Racing Club’s course and buildings and in consequence no race meeting was held at Ellerslie on the 9th idem. In addition, the list of places ordered to be closed included the Chamber of Commerce, Society of Arts Hall, Trades Hall, friendly societies’ meeting places and many other public and church halls.” (Bush)

The Acting Chief Health Officer requested that all denominations hold only morning services “of the shortest possible denomination”. [Apparently Bishop Cleary went one better, ordering all Catholic services suspended during the epidemic.]

Bush also conferred with Dr Frengley over the opening of fumigating stations as soon as equipment could be manufactured.

It was decided to insert an advertisement in the newspapers urging all those not engaged in the central city to stay in their homes.

8 November
The Armistice was prematurely reported in the country’s media. This added to the strain of dealing with the epidemic in Auckland.

“Work in connection with the various Block Committees was in full swing when the cable prematurely announcing the signing of the terms of the Armistice was received on the morning of the 8th inst., and for a time this seemed to arrest the valuable work being done in combating the epidemic. My first action on receipt of this news was to proceed to the Council’s depot and arrange for the detention of sufficient men and carters, and the keeping open of the stores and offices there, so that any urgent calls that might be made for special services might be made … In consequence of the universal holiday observed and the resultant closing of shops and warehouses, necessary stores were found a matter of great difficulty.”

Waikumete Cemetery sent out a call for more gravediggers. Eight men, along with the necessary tools, were dispatched out to Glen Eden in motor cars.

An inhaling station was set up on Queen’s Wharf, with two of Bush’s assistants in charge.

The City Library and Art Gallery, along with all branch libraries and the Old Colonists’ Museum, were closed from that date until 2 December on the orders of the Deputy Mayor. (Barr’s report – see below)

9 November
Victoria Park Pavilion was opened as a temporary morgue, fitted up with tables and disinfecting apparatus. Bush’s department also saw to a request from Vermont Street hospital for screens, a dispensary and provision of electric lights.

Kilbryde at Parnell, as well as the Technical College in Wellesley Street, were opened as more temporary hospitals.

10 November
“Arrangements were made for the transport of extra grave diggers to and from Waikumete Cemetery and also for the pegging out of extra grave spaces…” (Bush)

An inhalation chamber opened at the Town Hall.

12 November
The Tabernacle Sunday School was found to be unsuitable as a children’s hospital, so Bush and his team contacted the secretary for the YWCA. Two lower floors of their Queen Street building were placed at the Hospital Board’s disposal “as a home for healthy children whose parents had been incapacitated by the disease.” (Bush) Conferences also began with the Women’s National Reserve with the view to converting the Myers Kindergarten Building in Myers Park as a hospital for sick children.

The Acting Chief Health Officer ordered the immediate burial of all known victims of influenza. Special funeral trains were organized, at 10 am and 1.45 pm each day as required. Bush also approached the General Manager of the Railways for reduced rates of carriage of the bodies. The demand for additional grave diggers at Waikumete was met by sending out 12 more men, reinforced on 14 November by another 6, on the 15th by still another 6, and 3 more on the 25th November.

The real Armistice was signed. This meant that government offices were closed, and so too (temporarily) was the telephone exchange. Bush contacted the Superintendent of Telegraphs again, who assured him and the secretary of the Citizen’s Committee that “all special telephone numbers would be kept open for use through the day.”

“From this date,” Bush reported, “the Health Authorities, Hospital Board, Citizens Committee and other organisations may be said to have had the epidemic in hand, and although numerous calls were still being received for assistance, and many serious case were being admitted to the various hospitals, the organisation provided was adequately coping with the situation.”

13 November
The Mayor had recovered sufficiently to discuss with Bush various Council matters, including his decision to postpone a planned loan poll, and the election of a councilor to fill a vacancy. The Mayor returned to his official duties on the 18th.

Another inhalation station was set up, this time at the Leys Institute in Ponsonby.

14 November
A Citizens Relief Committee was established, presided over by the Deputy Mayor A J Entrican. They held their first meeting on the 18th.

During the epidemic, “collections of refuse were made twice daily and on Sundays from the temporary hospitals… and also from the food kitchen in Rutland Street… Mattresses, clothing etc., from private houses were either collected and conveyed to the destructor or else burned in the back yards. Sprays and disinfectants were provided to the men engaged in the collection of refuse, and the dust bins were disinfected, and the carts washed out and disinfected. Fruit was also collected from premises closed in consequence of the inmates being laid aside with the complaint, and conveyed to the Destructor for burning.” (Bush)

469 interments took place at Waikumete Cemetery from 1 November to 26 November, “this large number of interments necessitated the pegging out of graves in the area recently cleared and ploughed on the Western Boundary, the number of new graves utilised to date in such ground being 131.”

137 out of 380 Council workmen were laid aside with influenza during the epidemic. Bush attributed the relatively lower number than expected to “the healthy nature of their occupation.”

John Barr, Chief Librarian, also prepared a report (28 November) on what his staff did during the enforced closure of the libraries from 8 November to 2 December.

The senior messenger was left behind to care for the library, while those of the staff who were still fit engaged in relief work with the supporting institutions. One member had to give up work after contracting influenza, while another (Mr Collins) had blood poisoning while nursing. Books and magazines were supplied to convalescents at the various temporary hospitals, and in conjunction with the Women’s Patriotic League Mr Barr called for more donations of books and toys through advertisements.

“During the time that the Library and Art Gallery have been closed the Messengers have been engaged thoroughly cleaning the building. The Chief Sanitary Inspector at my request undertook to disinfect the Libraries with formalin, but as the use of a chemical solution might have had injurious effects upon pictures and frames in the Art Gallery it was not treated in this manner. The washing of floors with a solution of Jeye’s Fluid was considered sufficient, especially as the roof lighting of the galleries provided plenty of sunlight, the best of disinfectants. I have also arranged with the Chief Sanitary Inspector to have all books which are at present “out” from the Lending Departments of the various libraries disinfected at the Town Hall before being returned to the shelves. These precautionary steps should reassure the public that the libraries are perfectly free from infection.”

Auckland’s official death toll during the epidemic is established to have been 1,128, or 7.6 per thousand head of population, the largest metropolitan toll in the country.

See also: Black November, Geoffrey W Rice (2005, second edition)

Wellington trams, cable cars, trolleys and harbour

Andrew from High Riser sent through some scans of old photos of Wellington originally scanned and posted on Trams Down Under by Dave Menzies who collected them up originally as slides while in Melbourne. Andrew emailed Mr Menzies asking for permission for them to be reposted here, and Mr Menzies has very generously said yes.

Now, as I'm not a Wellingtonian, I'm not the best judge at all of what parts of that city these photos feature. So -- I've added in some information as provided by those responding on the Trams Down Under board, but would really appreciate readers chipping in with ideas/info as well.

Update 31 December 2010 -- my friend Graeme has supplied location details on most of the images, based on his knoiwledge of Wellington. Cheers, Graeme! His notes in blue.

Update 24 January 2011 -- Andrew has contacted Keith McGavin of the Wellington Tramway Museum, who has very kindly provided additional information and corrections -- and noting the duplicates! His information is in bold. 

Update 25 January 2011 -- Keith has now asked fellow tram enthusiasts to chime in with corrections and aditional info. As they come in, I'll update the text -- and add names of contributors to the bottom.

1 A southbound tram in Willis Street between mercer and Manners Streets. Hataitai bound “Fiducia” tram No.257 (now preserved at the Museum of Transport & Technology, Auckland). The Hataitai tram route closed on 5th November 1962.

2. Willis St. at corner of Mercer St. Photograph taken in March or April 1964 - as the “Methyl Benzine” Shell Company advertising and specially painted tram was only in place for the two months before the final tram on 2nd May 1964.

3  John Street, Newtown? Graeme confirmed this.
John Street, Newtown. Double Saloon trams Nos. 191 and 199 on a special tour, 4th November 1961, the trams are opposite the then Winter Show Buildings, turning from John Street into Wallace Street. The trams were chartered by the Tramway Preservation Association for the afternoon and traversed practically all the remaining tramway tracks in Wellington.

4 Johnson Street/Customhouse Quay.

 Same tram tour as No.3. In Customhouse Quay and about to turn into Johnston Street.

5 Hataitai terminus, Waitoa Road – same tram tour as Nos. 3 and 4

 6 An Island Bay bound “Fiducia” class tram in Luxford Street, Berhampore. The Island Bay tram route close in May 1963.

7 Courtenay Place. A Railway Station bound double saloon tram. This portion of tram line closed when the Island Bay route closed in May 1963. (I suspect I (Keith McGavin) may have taken this slide but I haven’t confirmed this – it looks the same as one of mine.)

8 Lambton Quay
Lambton Quay (opposite Kirkaldie & Stains). A route 3 double saloon class tram – probably ex Lyall Bay – bound for the Railway Station. Route 3 closed in 1960.

9 Shunting in Mulgrave Street, adjacent to Wellington Railway station. Fiducia type tram. The street on the far left disappearing into the distance is Lambton Quay. Mulgrave Street (and Aitken Street further to the right) was used for shunting and parking spare trams in between peak times. The approximate date could be identified by finding out what year (probably late 1950s) Billy Graham was at Athletic Park on April 5th and 6th (advert on side of tram)

10 Onepu Road, opposite the Kilbirnie tram depot and workshops.  Double-saloon type tram.

11 Thorndon Quay
Thorndon Quay near the Railway Station (Fiducia tram) with the Double Saloon tram (right) shunting in Mulgrave Street

12 At the east portal of the Hataitai tram tunnel Same tour as Nos. 3,4 & 5

13 Going from Upper Cuba Street to Lower Cuba Street (James Smith Corner – Royal Oak Hotel opposite).  Same tram tour as Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 12.  Double Saloon tram No.191

14  Kent Terrace near Courtenay Place.  This is an earlier photo – probably 1950’s as the tram on the left is an older type with an earlier type of trolley pole (known as a “high-standard”).  The tram on the right is parked in a siding near Courtenay Place which was used for tram storage during the off peak hours.  This siding had a unique (for Wellington) type of point lever, embedded in the footpath, and this is still there as one of the very few items identifiable with the trams that remains in Wellington.

15 Outside Wellington Railway Station
Outside Wellington Railway Station (turning from Lambton Quay into Mulgrave Street).  Same tram tour as Nos. 3, 4, 5, 12 and 13.   Clearly shows the interesting track layout here, with the double right-angle crossover clearly visible.  This location was used for shunting and reversing trams at the Railway Station.

16  Hataitai (Waitoa Road terminus)  (A companion to No. 5)  Same tram tour as Nos. 3, 4, 5, 12, 13 and 15.   The normal service Hataitai tram (a “Fiducia” class) has arrived and is waiting for trams 191 and 199 to clear the terminus. 

17.  Courtenay Place.  Same tram tour as Nos. 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 15, and 16.  The two double saloon type trams Nos. 191 and 199 on their way to Hataitai (note both route 2 which was Hataitai) – taken prior to Nos. 5 and 16. In the foreground are the remains of the junction line to Oriental Bay.

18 Newtown Zoo turnaround
Newtown Zoo terminus loop – Same tram tour as before

19.  Aitken Street – near the Railway Station, normally used for parking trams in non-peak periods.  Same tram tour as before.

20 Newtown
Newtown – Riddiford Street and about to head along Rintoul Street to collect patrons from an Athletic Park rugby match.  Double saloon type tram No.227.  Note the position of the trolley pole – the tram has come from Newtown tram depot located further along Riddiford Street and is about to move away from the camera, across a crossover to take it on to the left hand tracks, and then through a double crossover which will take it up Rintoul Street towards Athletic Park and Island Bay.  Probably taken in April 1963 just prior to the route’s closure.

21 Seatoun tunnel, eastern portal – an early slide as the Seatoun tram route closed in 1958.  Fiducia type tram.

22 Lambton Quay
Johnston Street, turning into Lambton Quay.  Same tram tour as described earlier.  Johnston Street was normally utilised in peak hours only as a northern terminus that allowed trams for southern and eastern suburbs to avoid congestion at the railway station.

23 Lower Cuba Street before the Michael Fowler Centre was built over where the street was – Town Hall on the right.  Same tram tour as described earlier.

24.    Lambton Quay, turning into Hunter Street.  Same tram tour as before.   Note the “false” destination of Miramar Jn. (route 10) which closed in the 1950’s.  Hunter Street was used by suburbs bound “express” trams that, after picking up passengers along Lambton Quay, would use Hunter Street to cross to Jervois Quay for a fast trip to Courtenay Place avoiding Willis Street and Manners Street.  Route 10 was the correct designation for trams using Hunter Street.

25.    Kent Terrace near Courtenay Place – in the siding as described in No.14.  Same tram tour as described earlier.

26.    Cable Car (Grip car and trailer).  The trailers were withdrawn in 1974 and the grip cars in 1978.  These are pictured at the upper terminus (not Lambton Quay).

27.    Karori tunnel – [Northland tunnel different profile, Seatoun on a gradient]

28. View of Lambton Harbour from Mt. Victoria area, 1970s (new Post Office building is dominant).

Note (from Keith McGavin): Photos Nos. 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25 and 26 are all feature a chartered tram tour organised by the Tramway Preservation Association and run on 4th November 1961 over practically all the then remaining tram routes and lines in Wellington. The Tramway Preservation Association was the forerunner of today’s Wellington Tramway Museum Inc. which owns and operates the historic tramway at Queen Elizabeth Park, MacKay’s Crossing on the Kapiti Coast.

Additional information from: Russell Jenkin, Mike Mellor

Monday, December 27, 2010

Brief visit to a Wesleyan cemetery

These shots were taken at the Wesleyan part of the Symonds Street Cemetery today. I could have spent much longer there, but -- as happens, I had places to go and people to see. This post may have a sequel at some stage later, though.

What caught my eye first off was this -- Mary Conway's gravestone, at an angle to all the rest. Nothing else on the stone except a grieving angel, her name, and "Lives with God". But have a look at the foreground. Yes, that is a footpath, going right over her gravesite. I'd love to know whether Council found her relatives to ask their permission to do that.

Above, a lost cross from the grave of William Augustus Dean Pitt. I say lost, because right now, it's resting on the grave for the Gribble family.

Much regret has been expressed here [in Auckland] by the many friends of Major Dean Pitt at the speedily fatal termination of the illness from which Major Pitt has been suffering. Only three weeks before his death he came over from Sydney in a delicate state of health and notwithstanding the skilful attention of Dr Haines he expired from consumption on the 8th inst., at the comparatively early age; of 58. Major Pitt came to the Colonies in 1857 after selling out his commission in the 60th Rifles, but he has been more or less connected with military matters all his life. His great wish, that he might end his days in Auckland, and be laid beside his father, Major General Pitt, who was interred in the Symonds street cemetery in that city forty years ago, has been fulfilled, and he was buried in the family vault on Tuesday last amid many tokens of affection and respect, sentiments which all in this community, who had the pleasure of being acquainted with the deceased officer, share, and much sympathy is expressed with Mrs Pitt in her sad loss. The funeral service was conducted by Bishop Cowie assisted by the Rev. C M Nelson.The grave was tastefully lined with white flowers set in moss and many wreaths and crosses of flowen covered the coffin.
(Bay of Plenty Times, 17 November 1890)

If Bishop Cowie conducted the funeral, then Maj. Pitt was an Anglican -- and his cross is in the Wesleyan Cemetery? Perhaps he was actually buried over in the Anglican section, but the cross migrated north to the Wesleyan side. I wonder if, after all motorway work, whether he's still buried there, or whether his ashes have joined those of the others at the special memorial.

Rev. William White's headstone. Follow the link, you'll see his biography -- he was a well known figure in Northland history.

These days though, despite reinforcing with metal, the headstone's in a broken mess (well, it looks like they used some sort of glue to fasten the stone to the metal -- and I can tell you, it's a heavy bit of stone!)

More destruction, this time by nature, in the form of a tree branch that no one seems keen to prune. Slowly, gradually, the left hand stone, one of two there for the Blakey family, is going to come to grief.

This is an extremely sad stone. Three children from the Boucher Hill family of Victoria Street lie here: 5 year old John Boucher Hill (29 February 1864); Charles Boucher Hill (18 August 1864, aged 16 months); and Emma Boucher Hill (1869, aged 11 months). Thomas Boucher Hill was a shopkeeper in Chapel Street (now Federal Street) c.1865, a landowner on the Whau Road (possibly New North Road) and at St Marys Bay. In 1868, he ran for a seat on the Auckland Provincial Council. When young Emma died, the family lived at Freeman's Bay. The Southern Cross seems to have lost track of him after he tried another election for the APC later that year.

This memorial is mirrored by one half the world away at St Andrews Cemetery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne in England. Fom here:

In loving remembrance of George Brewis McQueen, solicitor of this town who went to Auckland New Zealand for the benefit of his health and died one month after his arrival November 16th 1874 aged 26 years and was interred in Auckland Cemetery. His gentle loving disposition endeared him to all who knew him. His end was peace.
Someone is looking after his grave -- there's a recent garden planted here. Very nice.

Above, Charles Southwell's headstone. Another one of Auckland's footnote characters from times gone by. He first appeared on the Auckland scene early in 1856, as "the popular tragedian and lecturer" performing as a member of W H Foley's dramatic company at the Theatre Royal. At the Oddfellows Hall  a bit later that year, he gave an oration on the Crimean War.
Opinions of the Melbourne Press: "Mr. Southwell possesses several of the rare attributes of true Oratory, warmth of feeling, and a thorough conviction in his heart of the truthfulness of the cause which he advocates." — Argus, August 18.
"Mr. Southwell was, as usual, clear and eloquent, — other Orations are to be given by this talented and popular Orator." — Herald, August 18.
"Mr. Southwell is the most efficient political Orator in the Colony." — Age, September 17.
"Mr Southwell's Orations are now attracting considerable attention. They are attended by the most respectable poition of the citizens" — Examiner, 22nd September.
The Proceeds of this Oration, deducting only incidental expenses, will be handed over to the Patriotic Fund.
(Southern Cross, 28 March 1856)

He was advertised as being about to leave for Sydney -- but didn't seem to have quite made up his mind to actually leave Auckland. Instead, he stayed, and stayed, and stayed.

Theatre Royal.— We learn that this place of amusement has lately changed hands, the building having become the property of Mr. Hardington, and been leased by him to Mr. Charles Southwell. As an actor, Mr. Southwell is more known in Auckland by report than by observation; but as a man of energetic and business habits, and of extensive information, he has become generally appreciated. We augur much of his management, and wish him every success in an undertaking which, doubtless, will be attended, at the outset, with considerable difficulty. We are in possession of Mr. Southwell's views and intentions, in his new project, and shall revert to the subject in next number, when, the 'Denny and 'Zingari' being away, our spare space will be larger. 
 (Southern Cross, 4 July 1856)

He opened a "Salle de Danse" in Victoria Street in November 1856, ran for a seat on the Auckland Provincial Council in 1857 (but he finished seventh) -- but was known mainly for his lectures. His headstone describes him as "Editor & Lecturer". He died 7 August 1860, "after a severe and lingering illness", at Wynyard Villa, Symionds Street.
We cannot allow the death of Mr. Charles Southwell, until a few weeks past editor of the Auckland Examiner, to pass without further notice than that contained in our obituary. De mortuis nil nisi bonum, is the ordinary phrase : nil nisi verum, is our own. Possessed of more than ordinary talents, supported by much general reading, he kept afloat for three years a journal which was a terror to all ill doers, and, sometimes, to more than them. His blows were dealt right and loft, to friend and foe; often unjustly, but never, we believe, wilfully so. He effected much good, upon the whole; and is regretted by some of those whom he spared the least. 
(Southern Cross, 10 August 1860)

Another example of the metal reinforcing.

This time behind two small headstones which have been badly shattered, especially the one on the right. All that can be seen is "CW" and "WW" -- possibly children's graves linked to the plot for the Waddel family in the middle. The name at the bottom is William Richard Waddel, described there as "three times Mayor of Auckland." Basically, though, this meant he was elected three times in a row, serving from 1883-1886.

The funeral of the late Mr. W. R. Waddel took place yesterday, and was witnessed by thousands of people. The deceased was interred with full military honours, he having been a captain in the City Guards and a number of Oddfellows and Freemasons were also present. 

(Evening Post, 12 June 1888)

The last is that of William Rowlands who died August 21 1870. Two years previously, he arrived in Wellington after serving at the Wesleyan College in Auckland as a Classical Master, and opened his own Te Aro Grammar School there.

On August 21, of consumption, Mr William Rowlands, formerly master in Woodhouse Grove and Taunton Wesleyan Colleges, England, and late of Wesley College, Auckland, aged 84 years. His end was peace.

(Southern Cross 6 September 1870)

Looking for land history and burials

In researching the history of properties, houses and people, I have found the relatively recent upsurge in available online maps and databases, of the searchable kind, to be an utter boon. Just thought I'd compile together a few I know about, add the link to this post to the sidebar, and use this as an update point and one-stop reference.

First -- there is a good database collection of links to online cemetery information already: Kiwi Celts NZ Cemetery Database. There are some broken links, but hey, these councils keep changing and amalgamating, so no surprises there.

There is a collective site for territorial authorities in NZ: Local Councils. Handy links, divided by region, lead you to your local council website, and what goodies they can provide to the nomadic researcher.

Here are some of the excellent map sites. where you can zero in on specific properties and get legal descriptions to further the research.

North Island

Far North Maps

Whangarei District Council GIS Maps
Auckland Council GIS Viewer

Environment Waikato Maps:
Go to Districts tab, select, and it will take you there.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council Maps

Gisborne District Council Map TV

Taranaki Regional Xplorer

Palmerston North Geo Guide

Wanganui District Council Exponare

Porirua City Council

Wellington City Council maps

Kapiti Coast District Council Map Images

South Island

Tasman District: Top of the South Maps

Marlborough District Council: Dekho Maps

Environment Canterbury (Canterbury Regional Council)

Dunedin City Council webmaps

Queenstown Lakes District Council maps

Invercargill City Council Xplorer

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Chinese history messageboard

The URL for the message board is "NZ Chinese", so I've included it as that on the blog/messageboard list at the right. If the administrator of the messageboard has it under a different name -- just get in touch, and I'll change it on the list.

That said -- I'd delighted to have found it, and did so mainly because the Admin there has been reading Timespanner, and linking to posts made here on Auckland Chinese history (thanks!). Pop across and have a bit of a browse.

Addition: Just found Chinese Rootswiki, with a link to my post on the Sai Louie store in Onehunga. Cheers for the back-link, folks.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Maumahara mo Waiparuru

Just when I thought there wasn't much else left to photograph for Timespanner to do with the Grafton Bridge ...

... and the gully below -- I find this.

I was aware that Caroline Robinson had done work during the road realignment project in the gully this last decade, but I didn't know part of it could be viewed, with safety, from atop the bridge itself.

Peering through one of two holes cut through the protective shielding (said shields designed to stop suicides and other projectiles from off the bridge to the motorway below) ...

... something can be seen in the middle distance.

Ah. There you go. Caroline Robinson's "Mamahara mo Waiparuru", a monument in steel and basalt to the Waiparuru Stream which once flowed in open air through the bush-clad gully between the eastern slopes of Symonds Street cemetery and the houses of the well-to-do, and the western catchment from off the Domain and Outhwaite volcanoes.

The Waiparuru is overshadowed these days in popular imagination due to Richard Simpson's campaign to have Parnell's Waipapa Stream suitable recognised historically. Take care in reading the account by Simpson in that link -- he still hasn't corrected glaring errors, such as the fact that Low & Motion left Mechanics Bay not in the 1860s as he claims, but in the mid 1840s. See my timeline on the area.

The other thing is -- the Waiparuru was essentially a swampy outflow from the volcanic slopes. The map above, from the 1840s (Roll 61, LINZ records), shows the stream's marshy progress at the bottom of Grafton Gully, fed by streams from the Domain and then, further down at Mechanics Bay, fed by the Waipapa as well to create something like a marsh in the wet season. Before the construction of the Strand, Parnell Rise, and reclamations channelled the waters and tamed them, and before the motorways in the 1960s-1980s finally buried them.

From the interpretive plaque by Caroline Robinson, today much tagged and marked by those who pass on by up at the bridge:

These stone and steel markers in the gully below
trace a meandering pathway reminiscent of that travelled by the
Waiparuru Stream on its way through the Grafton Gully to the
Waitemata harbour.

This pathway is a passage of time and a journey of release.

Maumahara was a creative collaboration that will encourage us to
remember. It is a prayer for deepening our relationship with the land
and with each other, through honouring our past, present and future
natural and cultural heritages.

More information on this page.

Memorial to a time capsule

While visiting a friend in Auckland City Hospital today, I spotted something that looked like an elaborate small kennel, sitting on a sloping lawn behind all the new nine-storey wards.

I was surprised to see that wee structure contained a 112 year old plaque -- from a building which no longer exists: the Costley Wards at Auckland Hospital.

So, here it is. A small brick structure, built to commemorate the opening of a time capsule in a building which now no longer exists.

Update, 21 January 2011: The contents and fate of the time capsule.